Friday, May 9, 2008

2 Month Checkup

Today, I went to the doctor for my 2 month checkup. I now weigh 11lbs 3ozs and am in the 37th percentile! I am quite tall for my age at 23.6 inches (74th percentile), with a head circumference of 38cm (11th percentile). My head is not that big I guess according to the average baby but it still is pretty proportional to the rest of my body.

I also got 2 shots and one oral vaccination but I was good and only cried when the shots were being administered. Right after, mom had milk on hand to comfort me.

It's raining a lot today so no walks for us today. I'll just be recovering from my vaccinations.

I'll post some pictures later once I wake up from my nap.

Keep dry everyone!

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