Friday, May 9, 2008

2 Month Checkup

Today, I went to the doctor for my 2 month checkup. I now weigh 11lbs 3ozs and am in the 37th percentile! I am quite tall for my age at 23.6 inches (74th percentile), with a head circumference of 38cm (11th percentile). My head is not that big I guess according to the average baby but it still is pretty proportional to the rest of my body.

I also got 2 shots and one oral vaccination but I was good and only cried when the shots were being administered. Right after, mom had milk on hand to comfort me.

It's raining a lot today so no walks for us today. I'll just be recovering from my vaccinations.

I'll post some pictures later once I wake up from my nap.

Keep dry everyone!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Model Shots

hee hee. I'm posting again! Lucky for you!! This time, my mom decided I should take some naked pictures...not completely naked though. :)

Pensive faces...




Yeah...don't mess with me!

Little kisses,

Almost 9 weeks!

Hello everybodee!

This past weekend we met with my dad's cousins Helen and Jay for the Tribeca Film Festival Family Day. Ha-Rin who is now 1 1/2 years old is such a cool cousin of mine and I can't wait for her to teach me everything! There were lots of performers, music and activities but I was too little to participate -- maybe next year. Instead my mom and dad just tried to get all the free stuff they were giving out.

Afterward, we met up with the current world traveling family, the Dhrolias. They were most recently in Turkey, Egypt and Argentina for a wedding and will soon be off again to Asia before they return back to NY. Jacob Dhrolia, who is my older friend (almost 1 1/2 years old) is enjoying the travel and looks great!

On Sunday, after mass, we had brunch with daddy's friends who will be temporarily moving to London for a few months. They have a boy named Tyler who is about 9 months and he was in fine form. Tyler lost his shoe on the way to meet us and his dad went all the way back to find the shoe -- he's such a superstar!

Also, this Tuesday, mommy and I started a playgroup with another mommy. There were 7 mothers in total who showed up and all the babies were all around my age. It was lots of fun as I finally got to see people my size instead of giant parents. I can't wait to see them next Tuesday!

Lastly, I got my passport finally so we are good to go traveling. My first trip will be to Toronto during Memorial Day weekend. I'm excited to see my Grandma Kim and Grandpa Kim as I haven't seen them in a while. My weekend there will be packed it seems as there are lots of people that want to meet me. I think I will start charging for visits....

Hanging with some of my amigos....

Tummy time! I just ate so I'm a bit pooped to be doing much exercise. Instead I decided I would model how cute I am..

My very concentrated look -- and no I am not pooping...

Here are some close ups of some of my newer expressions...I think I'm developing more of a personality now!

Here I am wearing my hat from the No family! :) It's still a bit big but mom made me wear it out when I was taking a walk with her in her sling so my head could be protected from the sun.

This is my parents fooling around with a watermelon that their Aunt gave them. They don't have room in their refrigerator to store the watermelon so instead my dad decided it would be a good plaything for me.

And here is an updated picture of Jacob with his dad! Look at Jacob's curly q's ... I wish I had more hair!

And of course, on more exciting news, my parent's friends, Annie and Paul, had their baby girl, Elsa Morgan Scurfield on May 7! Congratulations to the new member of the Scurfields -- we can't wait to meet her. :)