Helllloooo everyone! I know, it's been a long long time since I've updated my blog. However, our computer is getting old and inundated with my pictures plus our internet has been somewhat slow, but mommy found a way to transport the pictures from our big computer to our laptop, which is a bit faster and doesn't crash the computer! Yippeee!
A lot has happened since the last time I've updated. I'm a pro at crawling now and can even climb up on things and stand up all on my own -- using things to support me of course. I also have my 2 top teeth coming in now and am now a rabbit in the making. Those top 2 teeth caused me lots of pain and I couldn't sleep very well at night and I was pretty cranky. However, the painful part seems to be over and now my teeth just need to come in. Thank goodness.
Also, Grandma and Grandpa Kim were in town for about 10 days and it was so nice to see them. I got to show off my crawling, singing and pooping skills. They even watched me so mommy and daddy could go to dinner and have a weekend with their friends. They cooked meals for mommy and took me for walks everyday! :) I miss them already but will see them during Christmas time.
Well, let me update you on what has been going on! At the beginning of October, I took a trip with mom and dad to Las Vegas for Aunt Hiroko's wedding. She was beautiful and I had a fabulous time hanging out at the pool and of course seeing Godfather again! :) We were able to also drive Thor briefly as we sold our car to Godfather and got a SUV for mom. Mom and dad didn't get to gamble while they were in Las Vegas but I made sure to keep East Coast time while I was there so it was good Las Vegas is 24 hours as I made mom walk me around in the stroller at 4AM -- yeah!
Here we are watching the Bellagio water works. They were sooo cool! Inside there was an elaborate Thanksgiving display with venus fly traps moving and trees that had eyes!

Daddy made sure that I had enough sunscreen before I went into the pool at Mandalay Bay. You should see the tan lines I got. :P

After Vegas, we went pumpkin picking for the first time with daddy's Canadian friends! We went to Demarest farms in New Jersey which was about an hour ride. Mommy made sure we picked out a pumpkin in preparation for my first Halloween.
The leaves were also changing colors up there while in New York, there were still green leaves on the trees. In any case, the leaves were beautiful and I was entranced. Here are the three proud fathers with the babies.

We also wore our Halloween costumes for the first time in the pumpkin patch. Here we are with Annie and Elsa in the pumpkin patch. Elsa was a bear but also had a dog hat on that she wore so we called her a dog bear at one point.

Here I am with daddy loving flying in the air!!!! Aren't I cute in my Christmas sweater?

The Kim family!

As Halloween approached, we had 2 parties to go to. Here I am at our first Halloween party. This picture was actually afterwards since we all didn't like having our costumes on for too long. Bastian was showing me his piano and I wanted to take a go at it. I was pretty good so mom got me my own piano at home! :)

Here are some of the moms along with their babies. And of course, the standard couch shot. From left to right, we have the ladybug, soccer player, pink bunny, lion, lobster, hedge hog, bumblebee and the golfer.

This was at my 2nd halloween party. One of the mamas had a small brunch at her apartment so we were able to dress up yet again. From left to right again, we have the pumpkin, golfer, lion, monkey, pink bunny and shark.

Here is a closeup! :)

In Halloween spirit, mom carved the pumpkin and dressed our apartment up for the trick or treaters! :) Look how cute our pumpkin is along with blinking pumpkin lights!

Here I am trying to get into our candy bucket mommy prepared for the trick or treaters. I got my hands on some peanut m&ms and a lolipop. Yeah. Too bad I can't eat them yet.

Mommy made sure I was dressed to greet all the trick or treaters...and then I tried to get away...but alas, mommy came and got me.

This is what mommy was wearing to greet the trick or treaters. I stole it from her and tried it on myself -- hee hee.

And of course, I went to my first birthday party for Arianna. She turned one and had a princess themed party. In the beginning though, we were all at a gym where everyone danced and jumped and ran around. I was a bit in shock taking everything in. Following that, we went to Aunt Anj's apartment and there was a full on party going on there.
Here I am with Joshua who is nearly one and loved my face -- haha.

I think that's it for now. I can clap my hands too but only do it when I want to. Grandma and Grandpa Kim sang me lots of Korean songs so hopefully I'll be able to sing it to you one day.
Little kisses,