We take lots of baths and I get lots of practice posing..
Here is a before shot of my poofy hair. I know, it's a good head of hair.
For photo purposes, dad decided to put lots of soap this time so I could actually have bubbles on all my toys....
Dad! I think I found some gold! Oh wait, it's a cockroach -- just kidding!!! hee hee.
And yes, daddy let me eat the bubbles (to mommy's horror)
Here is Sam, my yellow tugboat.....Sam is tough, like me -- grrrrrr
Hm, this is different... Oh wait, here is Sally my sheep....she's quite plump.
And Myrtle my turtle. He's my favorite. He likes the abuse -- don't worry.
What, Myrtle? You can't breathe? Psh....
Don't you breathe underwater? You can't fool me. hee hee.
Only a few more weeks until I turn 1 year old!!!! Stay tuned for pictures from my 1st party.
Lots of love,