Leah came to visit us in New York after last seeing her during Christmas! It was a long 5 months to wait for her to come back but boy was she talkative and I sure did miss her. Her and I had long conversations and we got to spend a lot of time together in New York as my aunt and uncle both stayed with us at our new apartment. Leah celebrated her 1st birthday at her Uncle Tim and Aunt Eunice's lounge. The place was really nice, new and modern with an outside area to run around!
Here is Leah and my pretty Aunt. Doesn't she look great in her han bok?

My cousin Leah is such a ham and she was in such great spirits during her 1st birthday unlike me. Oh well! The Kwon family!

Grandma Kwon made me wear my hanbok again and pose with Leah but it was really hard since I wanted to walk and explore and Leah kept eating all the decorations. Don't think Leah was the only one eating -- I myself fell into her birthday cake, not once, but 3 times and had to eventually take off my button down preppy shirt. *sigh*

Here we are playing the traditional Korean game at 1st birthday parties to determine your destiny. Leah decided she was going to be a singing doctor .....

...who plays golf. Too bad we didn't have a small pair of ice skates as I'm sure she is going to be the next Olympic figure skater. I got to have another chance at choosing my destiny and of course I picked the book...again!? But after, I picked money and Grandma Kwon was so excited!!

Leah had a surprise guest at her party and although I don't like Elmo on tv, for some reason, we have a love relationship when it comes to meeting the big furry Elmo in person! Elmo, I love you...

Elmo you wanna see my dance I practiced for you? Elmo, don't leave!!!

The Kwon family with Elmo (aka Leah's uncle Sammy)

Haha, I almost ran away to get a balloon ... and I got one! Nani nani poo poo!

Leah had a really good time and so did I. The Kwon family is happily going to move back to NY -- finally -- so hopefully I'll get to spend more time with my aunt, uncle and most of all my cousin, Leah.

We are both so cute. I can't say enough ...
Stay tuned!