Grandpa and Grandma Kim made a huge barbeque feast on Saturday night and daddy had some of his friends over for some food too. Mom and Aunt Michelle helped Grandma Kim out with cooking foods while Dad waxed and cleaned the car. Everyone had a great time and ate lots at the BBQ.
On Sunday, I went to church and was again a good little boy while Grandma Kim took me around during the bazaar. Grandma and Grandpa Kim made our stay in Canada so much fun. Even during their renovations, they made everything ready for our stay there and I had a blast hangin' with them -- I miss them already...but I'll see them in one month for my 100 day celebration!
Hanging out with some of daddy's friends. Uncle Adrian and I share a moment and Uncle Jay takes a load off of mom.
Here is the whole gang (from left to right) -- Hector, Eddy, Jay, Adrian, Dan Choi, Aunt Michelle and Rosa.
Grandma and I....This is pretty much what I loved doing during the daytime with Grandma. She is such a great entertainer and kept me amused for hours! You see the blanket I'm on? That is daddy's blanket he was wrapped in when he was born -- that's means its almost 31 years old!!!
Grandma makes me laugh...:)
Grandpa and I -- here I am being burped by Grandpa Kim...hee hee.
And of course, taking a snooze with Grandpa Kim. *sigh*
Just woke up and now I'm hungry...wah.
Look at all my gifts I received from all the generous friends! Grandma Kim got me these overall but mom just put it on me without taking my arms out -- haha.
We got back from Canada yesterday night with luckily no traffic. After unpacking and eating, I went right to bed and now I'm going to go for a walk with mom. That's it for now!
Oh yes, on bigger news, my cousin, Leah Kwon was born last Wednesday weighing in at 7lbs 11ozs and 18 1/2 inches long! :) I cannot wait to meet her. From her pictures, she is the cutest thing ever so I'm going to have to learn some tae kwon do soon to protect her...yeah!