I hope you all had a good holiday season! I've been busy visiting grandparents in Canada and hanging out with my grandparents in NY. They really should talk amongst each other and figure out one location we can all get together every Christmas and New Year so that I don't have to do all this traveling!? Regardless, I enjoy all the long car rides and adventures my parents take me on.
So let's see. In December of 2008 I went hiking with my grandparents. We tested out my new ride which I loved since I got to see eye level with daddy. We even whipped out the sun shade/branch protection provider over my head so that I would be out of harm's way. It was nice to coast along daddy's back like a turtle. hee hee.
Open your eyes daddy! Wait, I can't see! Thanks grandma...much better.

It was a nice trek. Took about 1 1/2 hours and then we pigged out at Minado buffet where my grandpa and daddy ate sooo many crab legs I was getting embarrassed. haha.

We also had a holiday party with my playgroups. Since mommy does not host the playgroups anymore, I don't get to see my friends all the time. However, since it was my first Christmas season, mommy decided to host a playgroup and I got to catch up with all my friends.

I told them all about daycare and the new friends I made there. I do art projects, learn about the different cultures of all my friends and we sing songs and read books. Jake thought it was pretty cool and wanted to hear more..but I said, next time.

Brady, who is just a few days older than me, has already started to walk! And here is Sonya with her pretty mom, Jen! I can't believe we all met each other when we were all 9 weeks old and now we are all 10 months!?

During the month of December, I caught a very bad virus. It started out as a runny nose and a cough but turned worse. My mom brought me to the doctor 3 times during the last 2 months as she got worried as I wasn't eating or sleeping properly. I had multiple fevers and had to be put on Motrin for a few days. Also, I had lots and lots of snot bubbles and my nose got all sore from people's having to wipe my nose. :( Therefore, I was sick and with fever throughout Christmas and New Years but I was still in good spirits.
We arrived in Toronto, Canada on December 20. Grandpa and Grandma Kim had the house decorated like it was Santa's house! There were oranaments, mistletoe and LOTS of presents. I tried to peek into a few before Christmas Eve but I couldn't sink my teeth into them fast enough before I got caught.

Ooopss.....heee heee..but I thought it was food.

While were in Canada, we went up to Blue Mountain for a night. My godparents and my parents went snowboarding for the night while I stayed in with the grandparents. I had a boiling fever but I was still in good spirits after Grandma gave me a cool shower. Thank goodness for grandparents.

Here I am hanging with Godfather and fairy Godmother at the condo in Blue Mountain. This is after they got back from snowboarding and my fever had gone down a bit. I was too excited to sleep so I waited for them to get back and joined them for their late dinner of homemade dumplings thanks to Grandma Kimbo!

Since they wouldn't let me eat any of the food, I decided to munch on the dishes -- hard but it'll do I guess.

When we got back to Toronto, we had my cousin Noah over for Christmas Eve dinner. Noah is turning 1 this January. Happy Birthday Noah!

Finally, Christmas Eve came around and I had a bath and was waiting patiently to open my gifts. I figured I should analyze the situation and see which one to start with first.

I think I got it. You pull this bow!!!

Grandpa Kim said that I have to pull the bow all the way. I can't eat it along the way. But grandpa doesn't know that ribbons are delicious -- he's missing out. Don't tell him though because I get to eat all the ribbons and I don't have to share with anyone.

I got a lot of good gifts from Santa of new clothes, toys and books. Then mommy and daddy opened their gifts along with the rest of the Kimbos. Everyone loved everything and in good Kimbo fashion, we all tried everything on with tags and ran around the house.
On Christmas morning, guess who made an appearance!!! SANTA CLAUS!

He gave me a demo on how to be a true Tae Kwon Do master -- he said it's all in the wrist.

He asked if I had been a good boy or not and I looked at him like, do you really need to ask? He interviewed me for a position as an elf and I tried on the costume -- at least the hat portion -- and I was debating for a bit. I asked if that was the only style hat they had in the North Pole.

And then with a blink of an eye, I had pigtails! Haha Santa funny but I'm not a elfette you see!

I declined the position and instead.....Grandma Kimbo gave me the right look. Rambo Kimbo!

After we got back from Toronto, I got to see my cousin Leah!!! She is now 7 months old and bigger than I am! We went to Maryland together to celebrate the New Year but I was still sick so I didn't get to hang out with her too much. :( However, I got to hang out with my Uncle Dennis and Aunt Janet which was still fun. Leah is very loud and starting to make her way into crawling! She is also eating foods -- how fun!!! More importantly though, she's getting prettier by the minute so I really need to start learning some defense skills.

I showed her my piano and she loved it. She told me to get out of the way. psh.

Here we are back at home with our fat baby Christmas tree daddy got. Mommy put in the next picture because she loves my bum. J Lo would be proud of the bootie.

Here I am stuck in my toy box and of course mommy did not help me get out. She documented my suffering instead. I love mommy. She's the best.

So I am not yet walking but cruising with the assistance of people, ledges, walls and anything that will support my weight. I can clap my hands and have learned to spit from we don't know where. I can now also hold my bottle on my own and have learned to feed myself grapes, cheese and cherries!
At my 10 month checkup last Wednesday, I weighed in at 20lbs 9oz (36th percentile) with a height of 29.9 inches (80th percentile) and a head circumference of 44.3cm (28th percentile). I did lose some weight due to my being sick but hopefully I'll gain it back as I'm finally feeling better. I'm quite a tall boy though with a small head so Grandma Kwon calls me an ojinga (squid in Korean). I also have 10 teeth if you can believe it and have become more talkative.
I hope you all had a happy holiday season! Here's to 2009 -- year of the cow -- MOO!