On the day before Thanksgiving, we had Thanksgiving dinner at my daycare. Mommy had to make macaroni and cheese and we think it was a hit. Here are the Kimbos posing for a rare family moment!

Here I am with Ms. Oriana, one of my teachers at daycare. I love pineapples so she helped me take some for my plate.

What? He took it back....we'll see about that.

Here I am with Ms. Oriana, one of my teachers at daycare. I love pineapples so she helped me take some for my plate.
She helped me eat some macaroni and cheese (not the one mommy made). In the next picture, that is my friend Sasha who distracted Ms. Oriana just as I got the chance to chomp on a plastic cup. Crunch!
Here I am with Mommy eating some turkey. It was delicious. And of course here I am with Ms. Sarah, my favorite teacher!
Daddy is traveling a lot more for his job and although we are sad that daddy doesn't get to spend as much time with us, he still thinks of us on the road and brings home lots of gifts. From Germany, he brought home a police car that says something in German and lights up. I love it!!! Here you can see one of the gifts he brought home for Mommy from Canada. These long socks are meant to keep your legs warm under boots. Mommy thought it'd be fun to share with me. I think it looks better on me than on mommy...what do you think? hee hee.
I, Matthew, attended a birthday party and experienced my first time on the ice with daddy. The skates were a bit big and so was the helmet so it was a bit difficult to balance myself. However, daddy whizzed me around on his hockey skates...one day I'm going to give him a "toe pick". haha.
Okay Matthew, listen...we have to represent the Canadians here. You are half Canadian so you were born to skate. No falling. Graceful strides and hockey stop. Keep a determined face..okay?
One foot after the other...concentrate...!
Whoa....hurry up and get up! No falling...You are not making the Canadians proud! Hurry and get up!
We were pooped after 20mins on the ice....it was hard work for Daddy. I know, Daddy needs a haircut but he has no time. Besides, I kind of like the poofy hair. More for me to hold onto when he gives me horsie rides. :)
Hi Mommy! Look at how cute my skates are! Even though these were pretty small, they were still big on my fat feet.
Here is a short clip of Daddy taking me around skating since my skates were a bit big and I was still unsure about the ice.
And here are some pictures of the party after all the skating fun! The theme of the party was Scooby-Doo since Mia, who turned 4, loves them.
Daddy is doing a good job of feeding me while entertaining nearby friends of mine. Look at the Scooby-Doo cake! Wow! We only ate his butt -- that's how big the cake was!?
I, Lauren, have also been busy -- busy eating of course. Since my one month appointment where I weighed 7lbs 10oz, I've gained quite a bit and am now 11lbs 14ozs! The doctor was a bit surprised by my great weight gain as she said I don't look like I'm almost 12lbs! Daddy believes this is because I have big bones so although I may look deceivingly skinny, my skeletal framework weighs more. And I'm now able to lift up my head a bit although wobbly.
I'm holding it up...hurry up and take the picture daddy...I can't hold it up any longer! Shhhhhh!
Here I am modeling some new onesies. Can you see that I've added some chubbiness to my skinny bird legs?
Did you hear that? Haha, I just farted....and it felt oh so good.. :)
Mommy is obsessed with getting my hair long enough to tie in something. I told her that this Chia pet will take more than just water to grow its luscious mane...but I let her try at least.
And of course, now I'm smiling and cooing. Mommy and Daddy find it very rewarding after all the endless days of hearing me cry and that's about it. See how many pink dolls I've been getting as gifts? They are all mine! Matthew tried to steal my pink pig...but I got it back. Ha.
What? He took it back....we'll see about that.
For Christmas, we are headed off to Toronto for a few days. It'll be my first trip so we need to get a passport soon! We will be driving so hopefully my brother and I will behave. Otherwise, I think mommy and daddy will leave us on the road for Santa to pick up. That might not be such a bad thing -- milk and cookies every night and hanging out with elves... hm. I'll have to get back to you on that.
See you around!