So I went in for my 8 month (really 8 1/2 months) check up yesterday and boy was I brave. I got 2 shots but I didn't even cry! Just made a little peep and then I was back to grabbing for my doctor's bead necklace. So now I am 28.6 inches tall (70th percentile) and weigh 20lbs 8oz (57th percentile). My head continues to grow at 44.4 cm (30th percentile). Mom got worried that she was underfeeding me but the doctor said all is good, especially since I'm crawling and pulling myself up now all over the place. Everything else is growing so she said not to worry. My teeth are coming in quickly though as most kids only have their 2 bottom teeth at my age the doctor said. However, the doctor also said, everyone has to go through teething and it isn't fun so might as well get it over with.
I am getting pretty brave at standing up now on anything I can get on top of. I can now climb up to reach for the remote controllers all by myself.

Which channel did you want?

And of course, in my good old mom's fashion, she was cracking up because I have a booger that has been stretched to my eyebrow if you look closely. She thought it was hiliarious and made dad take a picture of me. I think you might have to expand the picture to get a good look.

Okay folks. My first turkey day is coming up and I can't wait since I might be able to eat some turkey and mashed potatoes!! Mom made lasagne for daddy a few nights ago and I got to eat some too! It was yummers.
From one lovebug to another,