Here we are together. Lauren doesn't have neck control just yet so I propped her up as much as possible.

Her hands are so small!! Okay, I'm all done!

Her hands are so small!! Okay, I'm all done!
Mommy had some free time after feeding so she decided to mess around with Lauren. A hat show was what she wanted, but Lauren didn't want to participate. Humph.
So instead, mommy decided to take some bad angle shots of Lauren. Daddy thinks that she looks scary. Do you recognize her outfit? It's one of Leah's outfits that Aunt Janet gave us. Mommy was so excited to have some pink clothing that she went a bit wild...
Lauren is 6 days old today. She's eating well and not sleeping at all at night. Her active hours are basically 1030PM - 3AM. So in honor, mommy has gotten out her clubbing clothes to participate in Lauren's new festivities.
-Kisses from Matthew and Lauren