Unfortunately, I can't upload all my photos from my 1st birthday as the computer is not doing what it's supposed to. However, we did get to post a few pictures. Maybe mommy will try again when the computer is not acting up.
My birthday was held at Play Garden in Tribeca. I invited 15 of my friends and then mom invited our family. There were about 60-65 people....I know, lots of family and friends! I had tried to prepare for the excitement and slept 4 hours during the day but I wasn't too happy with all the people and costume changes.
Here I am with Amanda one of the party coaches. I really liked climbing the stairs...
I was showing Grandpa Kwon how it's done.
The grandparents got my 1st birthday table all ready with rice cake, fruit and candy towers. The candy towers were made by one of Grandma Kwon's friends. The table was really purty. And Godfather bought my traditional Korean hanbok -- ain't it cute?
I'm trying to get used to the hat....since now that I'm bigger I can figure out how to take things off..
I want to take it off!! But it won't come off. Someone help me!
I give up. Smile!!
You see the beautiful table? It was tempting to reach for everything on the table...
Here I am with mom's Grandma and then I told mom that I think that candy tower belonged closer to me instead of over there.
Mommy and Daddy...
Grandpa Kwon and Grandma Kwon.
Grandpa Kim and Grandma Kim.
One last shot of my table. And Grandma Kim being silly -- wearing my hat.
At Play Garden they had plenty of gym play things. I usually like jumping on the trampoline and going down slides and crawling all over the place. However, because there were so many people, I didn't feel as comfortable just yet. So mom and dad tried to cheer me up by making me feel more at home. The slide got a smile out of me but I can't post the picture. :(
We also played the traditional destiny game where I ended up picking a book (scholar) and the second time around I picked mommy and then the stethoscope, followed by money. Mommy's friends said that I would be a medicine academic living at home but at least I'd be rich. Then all of my friends wanted to try and they picked the hockey stick, several picked a mic, money and some picked the golf club.
Following, we had pizza and eats and I was taken there by a wagon with balloons. I got to blow out my cake and sat with all my 15 friends. We all had some pizza, fruit and cupcakes. It was delicious. As a finale, we had a zipline that everyone got a turn to ride. It was so cool.
By the end, I was so tired, that I passed out on the walk home. I got tons of gifts though and when we finally got everything back to the apartment and I was showered, daddy and I opened all the gifts and checked it all out.
It was a good day.
Next up is my first haircut! :) Mommy took me to get my mullet taken off so now I'm my handsome self. You'll have to wait for pictures!