Matthew is about 5 months old here and Lauren is a bit over 3 months old.
Matthew Andrew Kim: March 7, 2008 Lauren Isabelle Kim: September 22, 2009 Michael Philip Kim: December 24, 2011
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Who do we look like?
The grandparents keep saying we look exactly like each other. My parents think otherwise. What do you think?

Matthew (22 months) and Lauren (99 days old!)
Lauren is 99 days old today! Tomorrow is her 100th day and we'll be celebrating at the Kwon household in Long Island. In true celebratory fashion, we decided to take some snaps before she is considered "over the hill". haha.
Lauren, you need to not only look at the camera but smile as well. And you have to look "cool".
Now, get ready, when Mom says cheese, you have to smile. Ready?? Go!
Okay, now let's syke mom out...don't smile when she says "cheese"....hahhahahhaha!
Hee hee....Lauren, I don't know how you keep such a straight face. Smile!
Fine, if you are not going to smile, then you can't use my arm as a pillow.
What? You don't care? Okay, now let's trying smiling while we sit up together....
Are you smiling? I can't see your face ... stop eating your fingers, mommy doesn't like that.
Mom, she won't stop eating her fingers. Here, eat my fingers then....
Okay, ready? I'm holding you tight so you can't reach your fingers. Ha.
Smile! If you don't smile, I'm going to tickle your head. Haha...
Mom, are you done now? We are both getting tired of saying cheese. ALL DONE!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
All about me -- Lauren!
Merry Christmas! I hope everyone had a nice holiday. We all got back from a fun filled week in Toronto a few days ago and immediately went to visit our newest cousin, Isaiah Joonhyuk Kwon! He was born 12/23 weighing in at 8lbs 1oz. He is one handsome looking boy and I'm sure my mom will post pictures soon. I also got baptized in Toronto and my godfather will be sending those pictures over at some point so I'll have to post them up later.
In the meantime, here are some more recent photos of me!

Mommy and Daddy took so many pictures of my brother when he was little and they never take enough photos of me. So I told them to start paying attention before I go off to college...
So at my latest 3 month checkup, I weighed 13lbs 6ozs, 24 inches tall and head circumference of 37cm (5th percentile). So basically I am of over average weight and height with a small head. Boo hoo.
The latest development is my smiling capabilities. My brother was definitely more smiley than I was but I still have an infectious smile. Just look at me, you'll smile too. :)
And look, I'm now old enough to hold up my head in the Bumbo!
It's a new perspective sitting up on my own! I think I kind of like it.
Of course mommy tried to capture my sneeze, but she just missed it. Ha.
Here I am in my first mini skirt from my Godfather. It's a bit big so it looks like a full skirt but really it's a velvet mini skirt. I can't wait to wear it when I get a bit taller. And of course my Godfather bought me my first pair of Uggs. Don't I look stylish?
Okay mommy, I think I'm done now....please..
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Hanging with my Canadian Friends
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Pre-Holiday Party!
Mommy's playgroup had a holiday party gathering this past Tuesday. Every mom had to bring half a dozen cookies to be swapped with all the other moms. Each mom ended up getting 10 varieties of cookies and a total of 60 cookies! Mommy baked mini muffins instead and used Annie's famous chocolate chip banana muffins, which were a hit. We now have tons of cookies and tons of leftover chocolate chip banana muffins.
Here are a sequence of pictures as we tried to get everyone on the couch and take pictures...

No one is looking at the camera!!

Do you know what is going on? Is that a foot in the second picture?
No one is looking at the camera!!
Do you know what is going on? Is that a foot in the second picture?
Almost.....ooh! TV!!!
Okay, everyone look at the TV while we take a picture!!
Cheese!! Mommy, I see you!!
Do you recognize how big my friends have all gotten from when we took pictures on the couch leaning on each other?
This is Brady and Bastian is playing piano in his cool Christmas pants.
And of course the next generation! Damon (Julian's brother is in navy blue), Chloe (Fiona's sister is in the cute Christmas outfit), Lauren (my sister in regular clothes since mommy was too crazy to figure out what she should wear!?) and Hailey (Logan's sister in pink).
We are all roughly weeks apart from each other. There is another Chloe but she wasn't there that day. And there are other siblings due in February and April 2010 to join our crew.
Happy Pre-Holidays! :)
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