Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Matthew (22 months) and Lauren (99 days old!)

Lauren is 99 days old today! Tomorrow is her 100th day and we'll be celebrating at the Kwon household in Long Island. In true celebratory fashion, we decided to take some snaps before she is considered "over the hill". haha.

Lauren, you need to not only look at the camera but smile as well. And you have to look "cool".
Now, get ready, when Mom says cheese, you have to smile. Ready?? Go!
Okay, now let's syke mom out...don't smile when she says "cheese"....hahhahahhaha!
Hee hee....Lauren, I don't know how you keep such a straight face. Smile!
Fine, if you are not going to smile, then you can't use my arm as a pillow.
What? You don't care? Okay, now let's trying smiling while we sit up together....
Are you smiling? I can't see your face ... stop eating your fingers, mommy doesn't like that.
Mom, she won't stop eating her fingers. Here, eat my fingers then....
Okay, ready? I'm holding you tight so you can't reach your fingers. Ha.
Smile! If you don't smile, I'm going to tickle your head. Haha...
Mom, are you done now? We are both getting tired of saying cheese. ALL DONE!

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