We are still unsure whose feet or hands I have, but they are so darn cute that I had to post my nuggets of love for you to witness...
Today I also went to the pediatrician for my one month check up. I now weigh 7lbs 8oz. I grew about 0.3 inches and my head circumference grew by 1cm. Although my weight is going up, I was told that I needed to fatten up, especially if I want to hit the puck or kick the soccer ball with my dad in a few years! Therefore, the doctor told mom to do 3 things to increase her milk: 1) drink lots of water, 2) drink mother's nursing tea 2-3 times a day and 3) drink a bottle of Guiness after breastfeeding.
Hopefully after a week, I'll have gained some more weight. Maybe it will also allow me to sleep more deeply through the day and night so that my dad can get some much needed zzzz's as he does need to bring home the Canadian bacon.
My mom's new toast before she has her now daily Guiness: Here's to fatty Matty!
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