Saturday, November 7, 2009


Hello Friends!

The Kimbo family has been quite busy adjusting to not only 3 but now 4 members. So far, survival and one day at a time is the motto in our house. We may not know what is going on tomorrow, next week or in a year, but today is key and of the essence.

A week ago, the grandparents from Canada came to help out and boy were they excellent. They cooked all the meals and picked me up from school everyday. They also helped out with my sister who loved being held by Grandpa. Here are some pictures of Lauren after eating that Mom took while the grandparents took me to school.

Hello Mommy!
What? Is my belly button showing? -- hahahhaa..
I must keep my balance .. concentrate! Oops, lost my balance.
Hee hee...that was fun! Again!!
I took class pictures a few weeks back. Mom was surprised that I modeled and smiled for the camera. Here I am sporting the foliage look. My shirt was supposed to be tucked in but in the morning because we had snack time my teacher put my shirt on. Therefore, my shirt is untucked. Boo.
In this picture, I cried a bit. Oh sadness. The next picture is of my class. There are a few of my friends missing but my teachers are all there. I can identify all my friends and teachers.
And of course, my second Halloween came and went. This Halloween, I had a fever and therefore missed most of the festivities. Instead, mom decided to take pictures of my sister and I since we can't let the costumes go to waste!

Lauren is not too happy of a pumpkin but I was a cooperative little skeleton.
I tried to console Lauren by putting my arm around her but alas, like any woman, she turned away. Psh.
Lauren, I'm telling you, pictures are fun .. trust me .. just smile.... Oh well.
If you aren't going to smile then I'm also going to cry with you! We are BOTH done!!
Lauren I think likes to take photos by herself .. she does not like sharing the spotlight. She is much happier and calmer without me. Ha, just wait until she needs me to protect her later in life. She'll be sorry...
Pumpkin chilling and the next picture shows how much Matthew loves me...
Lauren also went for a playdate to finally meet Salina, Jacob's sister. Salina is 13 weeks here and Lauren is 6 weeks. We will be the best of girlfriends -- we just know it.
Hope everyone had a good week!

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